Wednesday, September 26, 2007

King of California


What else can I say? I LOVE this movie!

But no matter what i say, it's probably no one else will go to see it. Actually, you cannot find it unless you live in NY/LA/Chicago regions. It's sad when nobody can share such a great movie with me.
(After posting this, I found it can be found in several metro area in U.S.
Look for it in Landmark Theater. If you're in California, I recommend Lammale Theater.)

這片似乎也不太可能像去年miss little sunshine那樣票房好到最後全國上映.



Trade 9/28
*the seeker: The Dark Is Rising 10/5
*色.戒 10/12
Lars and the Real Girl 10/12
*30 Days of Night 10/19
O Jerusalem 10/24
The Kite Runner 11/2
*Beowulf 11/16
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium 11/16
Enchanted 11/21
August Rush 11/21
*The Golden Compass 12/7
I Am Legend 12/14


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